About Me

I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University, where I began my program in the fall of 2021. I am fortunate to be under the supervision of Prof. Duanqing Xu and Prof. Yabo Dong. Moreover, I’m a visiting PhD in the College of Computing and Data Science at Nanyang Technological University, under the supervision of Prof. Han Yu.

My primary research interests lie in sensor-based time series data mining, specifically focusing on the development of self-supervised learning, generative models, transfer learning, and reinforcement learning.


🎉[07/2024] One paper on time series forecasting is accepted to ACM MM 2024
🎉[05/2024] One paper on time series classification is accepted to ECML/PKDD 2024
🎉[05/2024] One paper on domain generalization is accepted to KDD 2024
🎉[09/2023] One paper on k-means clustering in high dimensions is accepted to Knowledge-Based System
🎉[09/2023] One paper on time series anomaly detection is accepted to EAAI
🎉[08/2023] One paper on time series forecasting is accepted to ESWA
🎉[08/2023] One paper on exploring deep learning interpretability is accepted to CIKM 2023
🎉[06/2023] One paper on improving time-series model adaptability is accepted to ECML/PKDD 2023
